Community Meeting

Neighborhood Notification

The virtual meeting for RV Retailers’s proposed renovation of the Airstream dealership, known as Camper Clinic II, is on Thursday, January 14th, 2021 at 2:30 PM CST. Please register to attend this meeting by submitting an email to [email protected], call (954) 908-3608 or mail to RV Retailer Texas II, LLC
100 SE Third Avenue, Suite 1850 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394 , with your name, address and phone number, so we can keep you up to date with progress and answer your questions. Thank you for your support in helping us improve the Buda community!

The Benefits

The newly designed facility will boast an enhanced retail storefront for consumers of the Buda, TX and Hays County communities, while providing a more functional work environment for the associates of the store with modernized work and break areas. The new facility will feature multiple indoor bays to repair towable and motorized RVs with air conditioning and the latest safety features with ceiling tether anchors. The scope of the project consists of a 22.98-acre redevelopment of an automobile or other motorized vehicle sales development. The development will include the construction of two (2) buildings with associated paving for parking, underground utilities, landscaping, water quality, and detention. The intent of this submittal is to request a Zoning Map Amendment and Specific Use Permit (SUP) for the site redevelopment at 15855 S. IH 35, Buda, TX 78610. The existing zoning is Form District 4 (F4), and we are requesting to change the zone to Interstate-35 Business (B3). The project is a major investment in upgrading the facility to a more aesthetic and functional design to better serve the Buda, TX and Hays County communities.

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