Cooking in an RV can be a fun and rewarding experience, but you need to know a few tips and tricks to stay on top of it. With a limited amount of space, things can get jammed up quickly if you’re not prepared—so here’s how to cook like a pro in your RV.  

Traveling in an RV is a great way to explore different places, experience nature and bond with your family. But just because you’re living on the road, this doesn’t mean you have to give up the comforts of home. With the right tools and some practice, you can whip up delicious meals in your RV kitchen that rival any restaurant meal. Read on for tips and ideas to help you create tasty dishes in your tiny kitchen so you can enjoy life in motion! 

First, learn about the space you have 

RVs tend to be on the smaller side, so the first step to becoming a master chef is to make sure you know the limitations of your space in the cuisine realm. Get familiar with your RV kitchen, take measurements of all cupboards, countertops, and any other areas where food will be prepared or stored. Then you can assess the necessary equipment that needs to fit in your confines and buy accordingly. 

Next, pare down your pantry items 

This might seem obvious, but when it comes to cooking in an RV, paring down is key. Take out any non-essential items like specialty foods or spices that are rarely used and donate or recycle them. Stick to basics like grains, canned soup and vegetables, beans, nuts, jerky, and other shelf-stable goods that don’t take up too much space and can be easily cooked in an RV kitchen. Remember that you don’t need to whip up four course meals—simple dishes like stir fry or pastas will do just fine! 

Plan your meals ahead 

Whether you are traveling with a large group or just yourself, planning out your meals before you set off will save you time and money. Take into account dietary restrictions, how long the ride is, how many people you are traveling with, and what ingredients can easily fit into your kitchen. You can plan your meals so you don’t have to bring too much food with you or use all of the resources onboard. 

Focus on preparing multi-purpose dishes 

Variety is key when cooking in an RV so find ways to make meals using similar ingredients that come together quickly. This can include grilling a few vegetables and making a grilled vegetable grain bowl with leftover grains from the night before or turning leftover tomato sauce into a pan of lasagna. Think ahead when it comes to meals—that way you’ll always have something ready for dinner without having to start from scratch each time!  

Keep it simple, when cooking in an RV, simplicity should be key!  

Choose recipes that involve fewer pots and pans, less preparation time and fewer steps where possible. It also helps to look for recipes that are not labor-intensive or require hours of preamble; one-pot dishes or meals made in foil packets are great options here. Additionally, if you are using pre-packaged items like jambalaya slow cooker mixes, macaroni & cheese or chili all-in-one boxes, these tend to need fewer ingredients, prepping time and clean-up time. 

Use what you have 

The oven may be limited when cooking in an RV so utilizing alternative resources is helpful in terms of having access to hot food. Dutch ovens or skillets can be used for baking items like cobblers and pies underneath a bed of coal or over a campfire. If the RV comes with a microwave, that can also be utilized if applicable.  

Clean as you go 

It’s tempting not to do this after a long day of traveling but cleaning dishes throughout meal prep is essential when cooking in an RV due to limited space as well as water supplies onboard–it helps conserve water for other usage like dish cleaning! This means wiping down surfaces between steps of preparing a dish as well as washing dishes before putting them away after the meal is finished. 

Most importantly—have fun with it! 

Eating well on the road doesn’t have to mean missing out on flavor—so play around with lots of different recipes along your travels and see what works best for you! 

Cooking in an RV doesn’t have to be overwhelming if done right; planning ahead, utilizing space well and keeping it simple ensures a smooth cooking experience while on a road trip with friends and family! Even though there are challenges with having limited resources onboard it creates an opportunity for exciting culinary experiences as well as memories of camaraderie over delicious meals shared throughout your travels! 

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